Who Am I and What Do I Do? This Is a Test!

Social Media? Facebook; Groups, Pages, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn ~ the list goes on…….

Where should I show up? Who is attracted to Me? Where is my Tribe? What Do You Want? Need?

In my chase for answers to these questions and others ~ I’m evolving!

I’m demonstrating to you ~ that no matter what ~ low visibility, low interaction, scrolling past the actual content of a post. Lack of interest in the information being shared. Mimimal curiosity and moving on because the message didn’t resonate with you.

I have to remain resilient, persevere, and be confident that my Tribe is out there and attraction will occur.

If you’re part of my tribe, you will feel supported, understood, and loved. You will feel empowered and optimistic on your outlook on life, you will feel “I can do this”; you will also feel “I’m not alone in this” You will learn a great deal from my own experiences: the good, the bad and the downright ugly. You will see that you can overcome anything because I have!

Here is what I discovered about My Purpose and I fully embrace it!

My Purpose is…………….

Elusive and will slowly emerge as I put one foot in front of the other, following where my heart, talents and life seem to be leading me.

Evolving as I go through this journey, gaining wisdom about myself and receiving delicious, surprising clues from life; my sense of purpose evolves and changes.

Emerges from Experience as I set out on the course that feels and seems right to me, and I’m open to learning from it and adjusting.

Exactly perfectly timed. If I have a dream and my heart still beats with it, even though nothing seems to be happening, I’ll keep at it and not let go. I may feel it right to step away for a while and come back when it calls me again or circumstances shift.

Eminently qualified; I’ll just go for whatever calls me, not hesitating to go for something even if I don’t have all my ducks or qualifications lined up in a row.

Enjoyable Adventure. I’m not going to get too stressed about this or put too much pressure on myself about clarifying my purpose. My purpose might indeed be something grand and complicated, or it may be as simple as dispensing love and kindness wherever I go. I’m present in the moment, and delighted in watching it all unfold.

Feedback is a Learning Experience

Let’s start with September 2015….I hired a coach, no I paid for a consultation with an expert. The expert said – you don’t need credentials to be a Life Coach – just say to yourself ~ I Am A Life Coach and ~ you are. I thought – really? What if an interested person wants someone who is credentialed? Oh, that person would not be my ideal client – right?